Robert Rodriguez’s Predators Trailer/Featurette

14 03 2010

This movie actually looks like it will be awesome…between Predators and A-Team, its looking like a good summer for remakes.

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The Most Intense Action Sequence Ever….EVER.

11 02 2010

The sound effects in this are terrible so i suggest playing the new Dillinger Escape Plan song “Farewell Mona Lisa” while you are watching this insane video. I assure you that this is worth watching, there are at least a dozen horse face plants and then the dude slides under a semi-truck on a horse…hurf durf.

fuck it im going to do the ground work for you. the pairing of DEP and thisfuckingbollywoodactionshit is available for your visual and audible pleasure here: Bollywood Action Vs. Dillinger Escape Plan

If that is too perfect and awesome for you, here is the embed of just the action sequence:

(via @thiagopmaia)
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